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Welcome Busy Mom! 


I'm Michelle Rose, The Busy Mom Igniter™, Founder & CEO of Busy Mom Playdates™ and a Busy Mom just like you! 


I am an Experience Curator and Travel Connoisseur with over 12 years of expertise in Event & Travel Management. I create dynamic Mom - Exclusive Playdates you didn't know you needed! 


I love what I do! I am passionate about building community, empowering women to live boldly and unapologetically while prioritizing time for their mental health, wellness and self-care!


In September 2020, I was diagnosed as clinically depressed, I hit my version of rock bottom. I felt powerless, I lost my sense of self worth and my identity. I didn't have many people in my village that could openly relate to what I was experiencing. However, it was clear to me that many in my mom village were approaching the same fate. 

It was time to take radical action! 


Busy Mom Playdates™ was birthed in June 2021 based on the need for refocus, refueling and restoration in the mom community. Moms globally were losing their identity and feeling of worth and I could relate. God ultimately used my pain and created vision and purpose.


At Busy Mom Playdates™ we are not perfect moms, but we are evolving moms! We are a dope tribe of moms learning daily how to create and set boundaries, serve from our cup of overflow and ultimately make ourselves a priority one playdate at a time!


We are not just a community, we are a Movement!

Take your mom cape off and join us for a Playdate!  








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